Montag, 27. Juli 2009

The firefairy

I made some pictures of a burning can...and discovered that... Doesn't that look like some kind of firefairy with big wings? Am I sounding like a hippie? I think it looks like that!

Von CaPoiEira

Berlin madness

Berlin a mad city full of mad people, and I might be a part of it. Here are some impressions of the town, just a few, far to less to get a picture of it. But these are the pictures I made the last 4 days, and since I got nothing more intersting to write about... ;-)

Yes, there are dragons in you can clearly see I'm very afraid!
I wish we had such playgrounds when I was a child!
Von CaPoiEira

Aramgeddon-mood near the Mauerpark
Von CaPoiEira

..but if you turn around a nice sundown at the park
Von CaPoiEira

A painting in the entrance of a house
Von CaPoiEira

Lena making soapbubbles
Von CaPoiEira

A little girl with a far to big Hoop...but she did her best
Von CaPoiEira

A old industrial site where I worked at the weekend
Von CaPoiEira

Jamaican ginger beer can contact
Von CaPoiEira

Ok...this post made no sense at all.... ;-)

Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009

The spaghetti incident

Yesterday I've been to Annikas farewell-party, she's going away for quite a while-We all, gonna miss you, have a great time and take care!!! After some tasty wine and when we run out of crackers we found some spaghetti, which can be eaten as some kind of crackers as well...but also used as a perfect here is what happened:

The non standart use of italian pasta:

1.Use it as a straw (after a few attempts we found out that it isn't working)
Von CaPoiEira

Von CaPoiEira

2.Use it as a mustache (Yes, works if you have a superflexible upper lip)
Von CaPoiEira

3.Use it as a balancing toy (Works too, you only have to have a buff scarf do attach them to)
Von CaPoiEira

Von CaPoiEira

4.Use them as ear jewelery ( exqusit!)
Von CaPoiEira

5.Soak them in wine and eat them (Tasty, we tryed red wine, but white might do well as well)
Von CaPoiEira

So if anyone else has some ideas what to do with pasta other then cooking and eating...let me know!

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009

Some things...

...some things make your Universe bigger, some smaller, some things are making you smaller compared to Universe, and some make you bigger. I'm glad those things do exist!